Winter cover for wooden swimming pool Cerland, Nortland, Ubbink, Sunbay....

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In a few weeks, you will have a beautiful wooden swimming pool installed in your garden ! Your whole family will be able to enjoy it! A word of advice: don't forget to think about its maintenance and therefore buy a bubble cover. What is the benefit of the bubble cover for a wooden swimming pool? When you are not using your swimming pool, it must be covered with a tarpaulin to prevent dust, leaves and insects from dirtying the pool water. But this is not its only advantage: Well-being: it allows you to maintain an optimal water temperature.

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Winterize your wooden swimming pool!

To go into detail, thewinter coverfor your wooden swimming pool is important equipment. Firstly for your comfort but also for the proper functioning of your pool. In the summer, you have to restart your swimming area. Cleaning it, filtering the water, putting the filtration on the right timing, it is an important operation which requires time before you can benefit from it. Without a cover for the winter, the time required to restart the vehicle will be longer. The water will be much dirtier, and the filtration system saturated with leaves and impurities. You may even have to change your water because it will be too degraded to catch up.

With a winter cover, you ensure real comfort when getting back on the road. The water is much cleaner, filtering it will be simple. In fact, photosynthesis is largely restricted with a tarpaulin. This particularly prevents the spread of algae and other micro-organisms. And this also protects the part of the liner that has emerged from UV. In addition, using a landing net or net to clean will be much faster. Save time to fully enjoy your wooden swimming pool.

It is also equipment that can bring you a real plus in terms of security. Once properly installed, your wooden swimming pool cover prevents anyone from entering the pool. Real security for young parents, even out of season. And during the season, if you go on vacation, you can also use it so that the water is not too degraded when you return.

In addition, installing a winter cover for your octagonal wooden pool is very simple. It only needs to be more than 50 cm above ground. The straps supplied with your tarpaulin allow you to attach it securely and very simply. Finally, it is an excellent way to maintain a good water temperature. In season, you can install your tarpaulin at night so that the heat does not dissipate. It is certainly not swimming pool heating equipment, but it prevents heat loss. So from the morning, you can enjoy your wooden swimming pool at the right temperature.

Our selection of winter covers for wooden swimming pools!

On our online store, we have selected bubble covers specially designed for wooden swimming pools. We work with the best manufacturers that we have handpicked. Indeed, it is essential for us to ensure the satisfaction of our customers. Our expertise of more than 30 years allows us today to guide you as best as possible in your purchase of winter cover. You will be able to find equipment for the brandsCerland,Ubbink,Sunbay| ||1374, Cristaline.... ! La plupart de nos bâches d’hiver pour piscine bois sont garanties 3 ans et répondent à la norme NF-P90-308. Il est important pour nous de vous proposer des équipements conformes, de qualité, mais également à petits prix pour votre budget. Avoir une piscine en bois est une source de joie pour la famille. En aucun cas elle ne doit être un souci pour vos finances. C’est pour cela que nous vous proposons les meilleurs prix et un paiement en plusieurs fois. Tout en vous assurant un service client disponible et une livraison rapide et gratuite partout en France. Vous voulez en savoir plus sur la qualité de nos produits et vous faire conseiller ? Contactez notre service client en appelant au 04 11 93 04 06 !