Swimming pool sand filter: Astralpool - Pentair

13 products

Are you looking for a high-performance, yet affordable filtration system? We advise you to choose the sand filter: this is the most common system, because it has largely proven itself. Why choose a swimming pool sand filter? it is easy to use and maintain, its cost is relatively low compared to other filtration systems, its efficiency is good. Its operation is not very complicated: the dirty water from the swimming pool is drawn by the pump into the tank filled with sand. The water passes through the sand which retains all the impurities before releasing it into the basin.

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Our selection of sand filters

We sell many models on Distripool: you will find a sand filter suitable for your swimming pool whatever your budget. To choose your filtration system, it's very simple: you just need to buy a model whose tank volume corresponds to the size of your swimming pool! Contact the Distripool team if you want to know more and get advice!

The swimming pool sand filter: The complete guide

Relatively low purchase cost and simple to use, the sand filter remains the most used filtration system.

How to use your filter:

Comme nous avons pus le voir précédemment, c'est la masse filtrant ( le sable ou autre média filtrant ) par le biais de l'orientation donnée à la vanne multi-voies qui va nettoyer l'eau de votre piscine, nettoyer le sable et ainsi limiter le risque de colmatage de votre sable.

All this via the 6-way valve:

Thanks to the different modes seen above, we will orient the direction water arriving from the pump directly from the pool:

The water circuit in the filter:

vanne-filtre-position-filtration vanne-filtre-position-lavage

vanne-filtre-position-rincage vanne-filtre-position-fermee


1: the FILTRATION position:

C This is the position which allows the water in your pool to be filtered:

The water sucked in by the pump enters the 6-way valve, it is thus directed into the filter from the top of the filter at the level of the diffuser, the water passes through the filter mass, the impurities are thus retained, the water is sucked up by the strainers, returns to the multi-way valve and returns to the basin through the discharge nozzles.

2: the WASHING position:

The filter mass of your filter should be washed at least once a week during the season, as soon as the pressure of your filter indicated by the pressure gauge increases beyond 0.2 bars.

The water coming from the filtration pump takes the opposite path to the FILTRATION position, in fact it finds itself propelled by the bottom of the tank, by the strainers, in order to lift the sand to avoid clogging and above all to clean it of stored impurities, the latter are then sucked up by the diffuser, at the top of the filter, passes back through the multi-way valve and goes directly to the sewer.

WARNING! remember to open the valve on the sewer circuit if you or your pool specialist has positioned one.

The filter mass washing time is approximately 1 to 2 minutes.

3: the RINSING position:

This position comes just after washing, it allows you to rinse and put the filter mass back in place at the bottom of the tank.

L'eau arrivant du haut de la cuve par le diffuseur vient plaquer le gravier et le sable au fond du filtre après avoir été bien brassé par le lavage, une fois l'eau aspirée par les crépines au fond du filtre elle est évacuée de-nouveau à l'égout, afin d'éviter de polluer l'eau clair du bassin.

This operation coming just after washing lasts between 30 seconds and 1 minute before switching valve 6 again channels in filtration position and resume the course of the filtration cycle.

At the end of washing and rinsing your filter it is necessary in view of the quantity of water evacuated to the sewer to do a new supply of water in your pool, once the water level in your pool is completed I advise you to carry out an analysis of the water in the pool.

4: the CLOSED position: || |1354

Comme son nom l'indique dans cette position l'eau ne rentre ni ne sort.

This position is used when working on the filtration pump to clean the pre-filter or on the hydraulic circuit, also when changing the filter mass.

CAUTION! do not start the pump when the valve is in this position.

5: the CIRCULATION position:

It is used when installing the filtration, this position allows you to prime the filtration pump without having to do so water than a round trip since the water does not enter the filter, therefore the flow of water is much greater.

You can also use this position when a shock treatment of the water in order to mix the water in the swimming pool.

It makes it possible to diagnose possible problems with the filter or the pump, or to mix the water to avoid freezing in winter.

6: the SEWER position:

It allows you to drain your pool, in fact the water sucked up by the pump is discharged directly into the sewer, this position is used when of the passage of the manual broom so as not to saturate the filter with dirt sucked up by the broom.

It is necessary to renew the volume of water in your swimming pool by 1/3 every year, you will perhaps be having to drain the water from the pool when the dosage of treatment product is incorrect, or if there is too much stabilizer present, blocking the action of chlorine in the pool.

Swimming pool sand filter ZOOM on the different filter media: Sand, Zeolite, recycled glass:

The filter load is the lungs of the swimming pool, this filter media is a key element of the proper functioning of the filter and its efficiency.

But do you know that there is not only sand that you can use in your filter?

Sand: the most common filter media.

In fact it is not a simple quarry sand but specially calibrated silica. As we saw above, silica is used with a double particle size, a small gravel at the bottom of the tank which covers the strainers, then supplemented by fine silica. Thanks to this filter media we obtain filtration of around 30 to 40 microns.

To increase the fineness of the filtration, it is possible to use in parallel, a flocculant which will allow filtration of the order of 10 to 20 microns, the flocculant, placed directly in the The pool water helps amalgamate the particles suspended in the water.

Zeolite: the finest filter.

Of volcanic origin, zeolite is a mineral with virtues best known to automobile manufacturers who use it to reduce pollution exhaust fumes.

Its very porous structure ensures very fine filtration of around 5 microns, the ion exchange capacity of the zeolite makes it possible to eliminate noce that the we call ammoniums, which are at the origin of chloramines responsible for chlorine odors, in the context of chlorine treatment.

Zeolite also retains ammonia produced by perspiration and urine. It has a "buffer" effect, that is to say it will stabilize the pH, thus reducing the consumption of products such as pH - or pH +.

Thanks to all its characteristics natural techniques, zeolite makes it possible to reduce the consumption of treatment products, such as chlorine, bromine...

The last advantage of Zeolite is that it can be recycled, unlike sand, into fertilizer for your garden.

Recycled glass: the most innovative filter.

More ecological than sand, recycled glass improves the fineness of filtration thanks to its power of absorption, fineness comparable to that of diatom.

The glass is crushed, washed and polished to obtain extremely smooth grains, without danger of handling.

With a particle size of 0.4 to 3 mm, it allows obtaining filtration of around 15 microns. The glass particles being positively and negatively charged slow down the formation of biofilm, responsible for the formation of chloramines, responsible for bad chlorine odors, irritation of the eyes and mucous membranes.

What is what is biofilm?

Filters are places where bacteria particularly multiply, the latter once attached to the filter media, they release a sticky substance called biological film, or biofilm.|| |1431

Ce film réduit la performance de filtration en agglomérant les grains les uns avec les autres, colmatant ainsi le sable.

Another advantage of recycled glass, in the absence of the biofilm there is no has no bacteria, the action of the treatment products is mainly focused on the sanitation of the water and not the filter, the result is a reduction in the consumption of the products.

Filtration: Replacing its filter mass:

Over the years the sand in your filter wears out, it becomes polished, it gets dirty, it becomes limescale and hardens, the sand simply ages.

By rubbing together, the grains erode and become rounded, losing their density. It increasingly loses its filtering power.

The limestone makes the sand compact and solid, making filtration almost impossible, the risk being that the sand will only form a block preventing any filtration, your filter is then out of use.

Replacing the filter mass takes on average 3 to 5 years.

Sand replacement steps: DRAINING THE FILTER:|| |1451

Avant toute opération d'enlèvement du sable, la première étapes est de purger l'eau présente dans le filtre.

To do this, place the multi-way valve in the “CLOSED” position, also close all the other valves as a precaution, then allow everything to drain into the sewer located in the technical room , or connect a hose to the filter drain socket.

If you have a TOP filter, remove the 6-way valve from the tank, if it is a SIDE filter, unscrew the cover of the top of the filter, and unscrew the drain plug, the water will then flow from the sand filter.

Then let your filter dry for several hours, the sand thus dried will be easier to remove, once technique also involves using a water vacuum cleaner to save time.

Sand Replacement Steps: SAND REMOVAL:

If you have a SIDE filter, carefully turn the upper distribution tube and the diffuser in order to have access to the sand.

In order to save time, I advise you to use an industrial water, dust and rubble vacuum cleaner, to avoid a long and tedious afternoon removing the sand cup after cup .

Once the sand has been evacuated, take advantage of the opportunity to check the condition of the strainers, their installation and general condition.

Steps for replacing the sand: INSTALLATION OF THE NEW SAND:

Re-position your filter in its original place, once re-filled it will be impossible to move it.

After replacing the upper distribution tube like this than the right diffuser, place a plastic bag on the diffuser for a SIDE filter or on the pipe for a TOP filter.

Once this operation is carried out, cover the strainers with water to cushion the fall of the gravel , once the strainers are submerged, pour the first bag of gravel once the bag is emptied, distribute the gravel evenly with your hands, you can top up with more water.

Pour in out the rest of the bags of gravel.

Then pour the bags of sand, remembering to distribute and even out the sand in each bag.

Fill the tank to 2/ 3, the last third allowing the passage of water and the evacuation of waste during washing.

Once the filter is full, remove the bags, reassemble your filter, you can at this time lubricate the O-rings with silicone lubricants.

Place the multi-way valve on CIRCULATION in order to restart your pump, you will have opened the skimmer and discharge valves beforehand.

Once the pump is restarted, you can carry out an initial WASH / RINSE of the filter before returning to FILTRATION.

How to calibrate your swimming pool filtration:

The classic filtration system is extremely effective for the quality of filtration of your swimming pool. But be careful to follow certain precautions for installation:

Calibration of the filtration pump

You must provide your filtration system so that it filters your entire pool in 4 to 5. So for example, if your pool is 56 m³ your pump must be able to suck up these 56 m³ in 4 hours.

So your pump must have a minimum power of: 56 / 4 = 14 m³/hour.

Pump manufacturers always give power indications in CV but also in m³/hour, so this will be one of the criteria for choosing your pump.

Nevertheless, do not hesitate to oversize your pump, it is better to filter your pool in 4 to 5 hours than in 8 hours.

Filter calibration

You will need to choose your filter that matches your pump. The idea is this:

Your filter must have the same power (or greater) than your pump. Indeed, imagine that you have a filtration pump of 10 m³/hour, if you take a filter with a lower power, for example 8 m³/hour, it will end up in "overspeed" and will not be able to provide filtration. optimal quality, in addition to poor filtration quality, it is highly likely that the filter will experience deterioration at the level of the strainers, and even the filter, small lesions or even cracks in extreme cases. In this case you will need to choose a filter with a filtration power of at least 10 m³/hour.

Please note that the pump/filter pair should not be chosen in just any way; the slower the water passes through the filter, the better the impurities will have time to be retained by the filter mass. Ideally, if you want to filter a pool of 56 m³ of water in 4 hours, you will need to choose a 14 m³/hour filtration pump and a 16 m³/hour filter.

schema technique local technique piscine