Pool liner 75/100th plain Alkorplan 2010: CHRONO LINER

Our services

10 year guarantee
Deadline 6 days
Payment in 3 installments


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You would like to receive your liner on measure quickly in season, distripool offers you an EXPRESS manufacturing solution. Here is our version in ALKORPLAN 75/100th 2010 liner with PROTECTIVE VARNISH.

Express Liner: 24 hours order processing time + VIP Express Manufacturing (5 working days) + Delivery approximately 48/72 hours.

In case of incomplete order, incomplete or inconsistent information. The deadlines will only be effective upon receipt of the information.

Our commitment relates only to manufacturing times and not delivery times.

17,33 € /m²
16,29 € /m²
until : 05/31/2024 11:30:00 PM

forfait - speed

* Ce délai de fabrication s'applique toute l'année Moyennant une plus-value sur le prix au m². Il s'applique uniquement sur les formes  proposées par le calculateur

Attention Distripool only commits to the manufacturing time. The organization of transport is independent of Distripool, we cannot be responsible for possible delivery delays

5 working days = 5 working days (excluding weekends and public holidays)

ATTENTION:our TOP 5 catalog and the accepted TOP 10 must be shape 1 without stairs (rectangular, octagonal, oval, round and ovoid)



Manufacturing sheets to be returned to us duly completed: (if you don't use our calculator)

You can click on the images to download our manufacturing sheets. They can be modified online

liner rectangulaire fond platliner ovale fond platliner ovale fond tronc

liner pente compose C1liner pente compose C2liner pente compose C3

liner pente compose C4liner pente compose C5liner rectangulaire PYRAMIDE P1

liner rectangulaire PYRAMIDE P2liner rectangulaire PYRAMIDE P3liner rectangulaire PYRAMIDE P1 avec marche

liner rectangulaire PYRAMIDE P2 avec marcheliner fond plat decagonale