GL multi-cartridge filter

Our services

2 year warranty
Delays 3 to 4 days
Payment in 3 installments
Free delivery

GL: the cheapest multi-cartridge pool filter on the market | ||1061

Comme vous le savez, les filtres à cartouches ont le vent en poupe : En effet ils sont moins chère que les filtres à sable, ils nécessitent moins d'entretien et ils consomment moins d'eau.
multi-cartridge filters allow you to clean your cartridges less often. You will only have to do this once per season. Unlike the single cartridge where you have to do it once a month.

GL 320 multi-cartridge pool filter of 14 m3/h

Shipping from the 22nd /05/2024

GL 420 multi-cartridge pool filter of 22 m3/h

Shipping from 05/22/2024

Technical sheet: GL multi-cartridge filter

Our GL cartridge filter is delivered with pressure gauge as well as 4 cartridges.

Fiche technique filtre multi-cartouche GL

Dimensions GL cartridge filter

Dimensions filtre multi-cartouche GL