Easyline liner pool skimmer

Our services

1 year warranty
Délais 3 à 4 jours
Payment in 3 installments

Skimmer wide loophole for concrete construction pool, covering with liner or reinforced membrane.

It has for purpose of keeping the water level in the pool perfectly clean. Its position in the pool will take into account the prevailing winds and the hydraulic principle of the pool. Connected to the suction of the filtration group, the skimmer can quickly absorb surface impurities, it seals between 2 and 4 cm below the coping.

The flow rate of a skimmer is 7 m³/h maximum, for PVC pressure pipes with a diameter of 50mm. The suction speed of family swimming pools is between 2.5 and 3 m/s, we consider1 skimmer for 25 m³ of water.

Large loophole skimmer

  • Recommended flow rate: 5000 L/h
  • 1"1/2 female outlet and 63mm diameter
  • Specially designed for swimming pools with liner and/or reinforced membrane.
  • In injected ABS treated with anti-UV.



Dimensions SKIMMER Large Meurtrière
