Stair liner package: full width

Our services

10 year warranty|| |1037
Délais 21 jours
Payment in 3 installments

Here are our packages for cutting your liner on your full width concrete stairs with one step larger than the others . Standard stairs that are very successful. You must select your package according to the quality of the liner (75/100th, PLAIN, VARNISHED, printed, 85/100th....), the number of steps and finally the width of the staircase.

This liner staircase is factory welded to the main liner.

You must make a very precise measurement and send us the manufacturing sheets below.

Attention our packages are valid for a staircase with 4 steps. If you do more walking, stairs will be out of standard and there will be a added value to be paid -Click here
Us We strongly advise against building a staircase with more than 4 steps, in fact we cannot guarantee perfect installation. place.

Full width staircase manufacturing sheet BEACH

You can click on the images to download our manufacturing sheets. They can be modified online

escalier plein largueur 3 marches

escalier plein largueur 4 marches