Solar swimming pool heating 0.70 x 3.00 m

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Solar swimming pool heating: 0.7 x 3.00 m mat: 2.10 m²

How does solar heating work? A correctly installed and oversized solar pool heater will allow you to increase the T°C of the pool during the season. The water only heats when the water is circulating through the solar heater and the sun is shining. When the weather is cloudy or rainy, operation is limited. But after 1 to 2 days of sunshine, the water will return to its temperature. Possibility of installing a diversion kit as well as an optional roof installation. UNAVAILABLE - PERMANENTLY DISCONTINUED

Where can you put the solar collectors?

Wherever you get at least 6 hours of sunlight during the day. The more the collectors are in the sun, the better they work... IF you mount the solar collectors at an angle (support or roof), remember to position them towards the South.


1. The water returning to the pool will be a few degrees (between 3 and 5°C) warmer than the pool itself. The circulation of the water will allow you to gain a few degrees with each pass.

2. Circulate water through the solar collectors at least 6 hours a day during the sunny hours of the day. If you circulate at night, when the weather is overcast or cool, you will cool the pool rather than heat it up. If you need to run your pump at night, divert the flow thus bypassing the solar collectors. use the 3-way By-pass valve to direct the flow of water according to the sun.

Connection kit in the kit


1: O-rings (x 2)

2: Silicone lubricant (x 1)

3: serflex stainless steel 1"1/2 (x 2)

4: serflex stainless steel 1"3/4 (x 2 )

5: Small elbow

6: large elbow



POOL VOLUME Distri-Sun Unit
10 to 18 m3 4 rooms
19 to 25 m3 || |1279 6 pièces 
26 to 40 m3 8 pieces
41 to 70 m3 10 pieces


kit-vanne-3-voies-solaire kit-montage-toiture-solaire

3-way valve kit + roof kit


Installation configuration of our solar pool heaters






