Sac filtrant robot piscine Aquabot, AstralPool, Aquatron, GRE, Aquaproducts

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DOLPHIN 2001: Easy Filter pool robot bag compatible: Aquabot, AstralPool, Aquatron, GRE, Aquaproducts

Easyfilter brand robot bag compatible with robots following:


AQUABOT (Neptuno, Bravo, Bravo Pro, Viva, Viva Pro, Aquasolo, Vertigo),

ASTRAL (Pullit Advance 3, Pullit Advance 5, Pullit Advance 7, Pullit Advance 7 Pro, Xtreme I, Xtreme II and Xtreme III),
AQUATRON (Typhoon surf, classic, Smart, Kompass),

GRE (Kayak, Kayak Advance),


The Robot Easyfilter bag is a well-made product, produced in France, it is guaranteed for one year

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