Gazon synthétique "Kikuyu" 32 mm

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10 year warranty
Delays 3 to 4 days
Payment in 3 times


Ideal for use in gardens, green spaces and poolsides...
  || |1061
Merveilleuse pelouse artificielle, le gazon synthétique "Kikuyu" de 32 mm de JamesGrass présente une bouquet de 4 couleurs (3 verts et un beige) qui lui donnent un aspect ultra réaliste. Il resssemble de façon surprenante à une pelouse naturelle, de part sa couleur, sa texture douce et sa densité.
Price per m²

Synthetic grass "Pozzine" 37 mm



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“Step by step” installation instructions


1- Preparation of surfaces

Prepare your ground so that you have a fairly smooth surface; valleys and large hollows can be more aesthetically pleasing. A herbicide treatment is recommended beforehand. Level the land to avoid bumps and holes. If your soil is very stony, spread a thin layer of sand.



2- Laying the grass

It It is important that the strips of grass are always rolled out in the same direction during installation, whatever the surface, so that the strands are oriented in the same way.

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Bien mettre en place le gazon pour éviter des plis. Découpez les parties extérieures à l’aide d’un cutter.


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Fix the edges of the strips with nails ( 140 mm high approximately) every 30 cm to 40 cm on all peripheries.



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3 - Maintenance| ||1238


In areas of frequent traffic, where natural grass would tend to deteriorate, synthetic grass will just need a quick sweep of a roadmender's broom to be straightened.| ||1243