Safety and energy saving: The advantages of swimming pool shutters


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Adding a cover to your swimming pool brings significant benefits, not only in terms of safety but also when it comes to energy savings.


This article explores how swimming pool covers play a crucial role in preventing accidents, reducing heat loss and limiting water evaporation, contributing to a safer and more environmentally friendly swimming environment.

Types of Pool Shutters

Besides the strategies mentioned above, here are some additional tips to optimize your efforts and further reduce costs.

Automatic shutters offer maximum user comfort, opening and closing at the touch of a button. Although their initial cost is higher, their ease of use and energy efficiency make them a popular choice.

Les volets manuels, bien que nécessitant un effort physique pour l’ouverture et la fermeture, représentent une option économique pour les propriétaires de piscine. Ils offrent les mêmes avantages en termes de sécurité et d’économie d’énergie que les modèles automatiques, mais à un coût initial moindre.

Certains volets sont équipés de panneaux solaires intégrés, captant l’énergie solaire pour alimenter le mécanisme d’ouverture et de fermeture. Cela réduit davantage les coûts énergétiques et maximise l’efficacité écologique du système de couverture de la piscine.

Un volet de piscine Contribue à la Sécurité

Accident prevention

Pool shutters are aé essential safety element, especially in homes with children or pets. By being securely closed, they prevent unsupervised access to water, thus significantly reducing the risk of accidental drowning. Some models are designed to support the weight of a person, providing an extra layer of protection.

Built-in alarm

Lots of system Modern shutters include built-in alarms that trigger in the event of unauthorized opening, providing immediate alert if attempted access to the pool.

Energy saving and Reduction of evaporation

  1. Reduction of heat loss

    Covering the pool with a shutter reduces heat loss from the water, especially during the night or in regions with cooler climates. This reduces the need to reheat water, providing significant savings on energy costs. The shutters act as an insulating barrier, retaining the heat accumulated during the day.


  2. Decreased water evaporation|| |372

    L’évaporation est une cause majeure de perte d’eau dans les piscines, nécessitant des remplissages fréquents qui augmentent la consommation d’eau et, par conséquent, les dépenses. En empêchant l’évaporation, les volets de piscine aident à maintenir le niveau d’eau, réduisant le besoin de remplissage et conservant une ressource précieuse.

Frequently asked questions about pool covers swimming pool

The cost of a swimming pool cover can vary depending on several factors, such as dimensions of the pool, the type of shutter (manual, automatic, solar), and additional features. On average, expect to pay between 1,000 and 7,000 euros, including installation. It is recommended to request quotes from different suppliers to compare options and prices.

Pool shutters require relatively little maintenance. It is advisable to clean the shutter regularly with fresh water to remove leaves, dust and other debris. Additionally, an annual checkup by a professional can help keep the system in good working order.

Yes, it is entirely possible to install a cover on an existing swimming pool. Pool cover systems are designed to fit different shapes and sizes of swimming pools. A professional will be able to evaluate your pool and recommend the best solution for your installation.

The Submerged shutters are integrated into the pool structure and run below the water surface, providing a clean, minimal aesthetic. The above-ground shutters, for their part, are installed on the edge of the swimming pool and extend above the water. Although less discreet, above-ground shutters are often easier to install and less expensive.

Yes, pool shutters are not only compatible with heating systems, but they can also improve their efficiency. By maintaining the heat of the water and reducing heat loss, the shutters reduce the energy consumption necessary to heat the pool.

Absolutely. When closed, pool covers create a physical barrier that can prevent children and pets from unsupervised access to the water. For maximum security, opt for shutters that comply with current safety standards and which can support the weight of a person without giving in.


Les volets de piscine représentent un investissement judicieux pour tout propriétaire de piscine, alliant sécurité, économies d’énergie et préservation de l’environnement.


By choosing the right type of cover for your swimming pool, you will benefit from a safer and more sustainable aquatic space, while contributing to the protection of the environment.| ||494


Their installation by professionals guarantees successful integration and optimal use of the advantages they offer.

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